News, Scholarships

Scholarship Applications are now open

In 2021, Na Píobairí Uilleann will award 15 piping scholarships. Given that many summer schools will be cancelled this year due to ongoing restrictions surrounding COVID-19, successful applicants in 2021 will instead be offered a course of private tuition with an established piper to take place via Zoom or similar online platform. Scholarship recipients will also receive a range of Na Píobairí Uilleann’s publications and learning resources.

Scholarship recipients from 2020 who carried their scholarships over into 2021 will also be offered this alternative arrangement.

The scholarship process is open from Monday 1st March until midday Friday 30th April 2021. Applications must be supported by recordings of solo piping by the applicant. Please see the application form for full terms and conditions.

Visit for application form and more information.