

Reedmaking Resources

Recent Uploads


1 - Introduction

2 - Why Spruce Reeds?

3 - Introduction to strips of spruce and varients in grain

4 - Cutting the slips to size using template and plane


Spruce Reedmaking with Jim Wenham

Reedmaking with Louis Priour

Reedmaking with Donnacha Dwyer

Reedmaking with Finbar Furey

All Galleries Featured Galleries
Jim Wenham

Spruce Reedmaking with Jim Wenham

Louis Priour

Reedmaking with Louis Priour

Reedmaking with Dave Hegarty

Reedmaking with Dave Hegarty

Reedmaking with Finbar Furey

Reedmaking with Finbar Furey

Reedmaking with Donnacha Dwyer

Reedmaking with Donnacha Dwyer

Kevin Henry's reedmaking techniques

Kevin Henry demonstrates how he approaches the task of makin...


Articles on Reedmaking from An Píobaire

Reedmaking Resources

A selection of useful reedmaking documents and resources

Reedmaking with Geoff Wooff

Reedmaking with Geoff Wooff

Reedmaking with Cillian Ó Briain

Reedmaking with Cillian Ó Briain

Reedmaking with Benedict Koehler

Reedmaking with Benedict Koehler

Reedmaking with Andreas Rogge

Reedmaking with Andreas Rogge