Call For Papers: Traditional Irish Music
Transatlantic Connections 2 Conference
January 14-18 2015
Call For Papers: Traditional Irish Music

Traditional Irish Music.
Drew University Transatlantic Connections Conference is calling for papers addressing the subject of traditional Irish music as a shared Irish and American tradition. Papers are invited from both academics and practitioners. Papers will be considered from the wide range of topics in this area with papers focusing on Uilleann Piping being particularly welcome.
Examples of subjects of interest might include: the music of the O’Neill cylinders, the O’Neill collections from Chicago, the 78rpm recordings of Irish fiddlers in America, uilleann pipe construction and development in America, the pipes of the Taylor brothers of Drogheda and Philadelphia, traditional Irish music as performed in America today, the influence of traditional Irish music on American traditional music, the place and status of traditional Irish music in spectrum of modern Irish culture, a comparison of teaching models of Irish music in America and Ireland, wither the harp?, the music of Patsy Touhey and the influence of uilleann piping in twentieth century America on modern Irish piping, Irish traditional dance and American traditional dance.
Presentations should be no longer than twenty minutes. Potential presenters should submit an abstract of approximately 250 words to The final date for submissions is November 1, 2014.