Search Results
The Whistler at the Wake, Nell Flaherty's Drake (Jigs)
An Buachaillín Buí, The Cauliflower (Jigs)
The Gold Ring (Jig)
The Shamrock Shore, Con Cassidy's, Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh (Air, Jigs)
Jackson's Walk to Limerick, The Munster Buttermilk (Jig)
Unknown, Unknown, Tom Billy Murphy's (Jigs)
Yellow Wattle, Frieze Britches (Jig)
The Frieze Britches, An Buachaill Dreoite (Jigs)
The Humours of Ennistymon, The Tenpenny Bit, East of Glendart (Jig, Slip Jig, Jig)
Helvic Head (Jig)
Three Little Drummers, Repeal of the Union (Jigs)
The Shamrock Shore, Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh (Air, Jigs)