Search Results
James Buckley's, Blackeyed Biddy (Jigs)
The Girl from the Big House, Apples in Winter, Miners of Wicklow (Jigs)
Am Faca Sibh Màiri Nighean Alasdair (Slip Jig)
Old Tipperary, The Rolling Wave (Jigs)
The Humours of Kiltyclogher, Jimmy Neary’s (Jigs)
Hinchey's Delight, Kitty Come Down to Limerick (Jig, Slip Jig)
An Buachaill Caol Dubh, Brian O'Lynn, The Newly Married Couple (Air, Jigs)
The First Slip, Hardiman the Fiddler, The Humours of Derrykissane (Slip Jigs)
Moll in the Wad, I was Born for Sport (Jigs)
The Blackthorn Stick, The Humours of Drinagh, Tom Busby's (Jigs)
The Stormy Night, The Fox in the Meadow (Jigs)
Doctor O'Neill's (Jig)