
Classic Sets

Images of Classic Sets of Pipes

Na Píobairí Uilleann Coyne Set

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Tommy McCarthy Marion McCarthy Leo Rowsome Set

Tommy McCarthy Marion McCarthy Leo Rowsome Set

Tommy McCarthy Marion McCarthy Leo Rowsome Set

Tommy McCarthy Marion McCarthy Leo Rowsome Set


Kenna set owned by Tommy Reck

'Professor John Cummings' Taylor set, with Patsy Brown chanter

Coyne set in C

Set by unknown maker

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Reck Kenna

Kenna set owned by Tommy Reck

Set by unknown maker

Set by unknown maker

Taylor Brothers set, owned by Rick Lines

'Professor John Cummings' Taylor set, with Patsy Brown chant...

Coyne set in C

Coyne set in C

Stock and Chanter by Johnny Doran

Stock and Chanter by Johnny Doran

Taylor Brothers set, once owned by Eugene Frain

Taylor Brothers set, once owned by Eugene Frain

Leo Rowsome set, donated by Michael Flatley

Leo Rowsome set, donated by Michael Flatley

Leo Rowsome set, loaned by Gay McKeon

Leo Rowsome set, loaned by Gay McKeon

Charles Roberts set, bequeathed by Lanfranco Pieraccini

Charles Roberts set, bequeathed by Lanfranco Pieraccini

Frank McFadden set, loaned by John Evans

Frank McFadden set, loaned by John Evans

Willie Rowsome set donated by Margaret Mac Mahon, widow of Tom Mac Mahon

Willie Rowsome set donated by Margaret Mac Mahon, widow of T...

Patrick Hennelly set donated by Margaret Mac Mahon, widow of Tom Mac Mahon

Patrick Hennelly set donated by Margaret Mac Mahon, widow of...