Browse collections of video from the Digital Archive of Na Píobairí Uilleann. Na Píobairí Uilleann wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the many artists - musicians, singers and dancers - who performed at our events and agreed to us sharing their performances with our members.
Mickey Dunne and Batt O'Connor (Pipes & bouzouki) - Cobblestone 6-11-2007 - Reels - Colonel Fraser / The Bucks of Oranmo...
Colm Gannon (Box) - Cobblestone 2-10-2007 - Jigs - The Maid on the Green / Donnybrook Fair
Colm Gannon (Box) - Cobblestone 2-10-2007 - Flings - Green Grow the Rushes O / Kitty Got a Clinking coming from the Fair
Colm Gannon (Box) - Cobblestone 2-10-2007 - Jigs - The Connaughtman's Rambles / The Orange Rogue
Cobblestone, Smithfield-03-12-2024-Session with the Pipers
Cobblestone, Smithfield-03-12-2024-Session with the Pipers
Cobblestone, Smithfield-03-12-2024-Session with the Pipers
Cobblestone, Smithfield-05-11-2024-Session with the Pipers