Search Results
The Old Pigeon on the Gate, Ah Surely! (Reels)
Tom Busby's, The Rambling Pitchfork (Jigs)
The Flowers of the Forest (Air)
Unknown, The Stormy Night (Jigs)
Rolliing in the Ryegrass, Un-named, Within a Mile of Dublin (Reels)
The Trip to Athlone, Patsy Geary's, Tumble the Tinker (Jigs)
The Limerick lasses, Music in the Glen, Iniscealtra (Reels)
Corney is Coming, Mickey Dunne's (Reels)
Father Kelly's, The Hearty Boys, The Clare Jig (Jigs)
James Byrne's, The First Slip (Slip Jigs)
Ambrose Moloney's, Boil the Breakfast Early (Reels)