Search Results
James Cody: An insight into notations of a nineteenth-century piper and collector
The Establishment of a Tradition: The Quadrille in Ireland
The Tom Munnelly Collection: His First Year 1971-1972
RL O'Mealy - Belfast's Virtuoso Uilleann Piper, Pipe Maker, Teacher and Broadcaster of the early 20th Century
Patterns in 1001 Gems: Melodic Structures in Irish Traditional Music
The Transmission of Irish Music: A Personal View from Chicago
"Tomás Ó Máille and Sound Recording in the Modern Irish State"
‘To-ing and Fro-ing’ - Exploring connections between regions in Wales and Ireland
Turlough MacSweeney: The Celebrated Donegal Piper
The Life and Words of John Ennis and The Life and Music of His Son Tom Ennis
Reflecting on a Century of Irish Traditional Music in Irish Higher Education: Where to Next?