
Píobaire, An, Volume 9, Issue 2, Page 23

Píobaire, An, Volume 9, Issue 2, Page 23


periodical Publisher
Na Píobairí Uilleann
periodical Editor
Chairman, NPU
periodical Title
An Píobaire
volume Number
issue Content
Píobaire, An 9 2 23 20130417 19 In the charming and beautifully illustrated publication “Other- world”, Ríonach uí Ógáin and Tom Sher- lock haven’t tried to explain the goings on in this unknown world but have shown that many of these (possi- bly unexplainables) are still part of Irish life and that they are every- where and still be- lieved in by many. What is more, the songs and tunes that singers, pipers and fid- dlers play are full of old meanings. There is some lovely music and song on the two CDs included, ranging from Cormac Cannon’s splendid piping of “The Gold Ring” and fiddling from The Do- herty brothers Mickey and John. Michael Coleman’s bewitching fiddling was suppos- edly learned in the fields around his home in Killavil, County Sligo, and there’s the belief that he was “touched” by the music that he took with him to America and recorded the Sligo music that kick-started the music of Ireland from its early 20th century slumbers. There are a good number of songs tunes here, familiar to pipers such a “Port na bPúcaí”, “Cailín deas Crúite na mBó”, “An Rógaire Dubh”, “An Mhaighdean Mhara”, “Pilip Séimh Ó Fathaigh” and a good few others. Finding out a little more about our tunes is always enrich- ing. We may not be able to understand always but this excellent book puts a lot into context, both in the English and Irish languages. The photographs, in black and white, capture well the landscape and the people. The CDs are rich in song and music from some enjoyable players and singers and the book is knowl- edgeably and well written about a a subject that has been in need of looking at more closely. The design is excellent despite some font sizes being a little small for my old eyes. It is a splen- did publication and well worth seeking out. Joseph Crane, January 2013
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