
Píobaire, An, Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 3

Píobaire, An, Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 3


periodical Publisher
Na Píobairí Uilleann
periodical Editor
Chairman, NPU
periodical Title
An Píobaire
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issue Content
Píobaire, An 9 1 3 20130207 REDUCED ARTS COUNCIL GRANT N A PÍOBAIRÍ UILLEANN’S FUNDING through the Arts Council’s Regularly Funded Or- ganisation subvention for the twelve months to 31 March 2014 is €340,000. This rep- resents a €12,000 reduction over last year in per- centage terms but is less than the average grant reduction across arts forms generally this year. Considering the present economic circumstances in Ireland it is a reasonable outcome for NPU. The commitment demonstrated by our management and staff have proven to be vital in sustaining our present Arts Council grant in the face of severe cutbacks generally. Maintaining funding to meet our organisational requirements for the future poses a major challenge for us as an organisa- tion seeking to develop services and intensify our promotion of uilleann piping as a major art form worldwide. Exploration of every fundraising mechanism and initia- tive will be uppermost in our minds as the work of the next five years is assessed, planned and im- plemented. SUBSCRIPTION INCREASE In the light of the current economic constraints it is necessary to increase the annual member- ship subscription rates of NPU from €45 and €19 to €50 and €25 for full and concession members respectively, with effect from Febru- ary 1st 2013. The current rates of have stood since 2005. Over that period of time 17% in- flation in consumer prices has taken place, thus the increases were impossible to avoid. Cash flow for the organisation is essential con- sidering our financial commitment to pipemak- ing training and the improving level of serv- ices to members. We thank our members for their understanding of our position, and their ongoing support for our efforts. LEO ROWSOME COMMEMORATIVE DAY We will be holding our annual Rowsome Com- memoration event later this month, and the ac- tion packed line-up for this includes piping classes with Fergus Finnegan, regulator playing workshops with Tiarnan Ó Duinchinn and David Power, and a maintenance and repair workshop will be held in the PIPECRAFT Centre. A showcase for pipemakers to display their work, the launch of Paddy O’Hare’s Guide to Reed Mak- ing and Bill Haneman’s launch of the Drawings from the Pipemak- ing Measuring Project are also fea- tured. To round off the day, we will have piping recital with the Water- ford Piping Quartet, Eoin Duignan, also Hugh and Eoin Quinn with Joe McKenna as recital MC. TIONÓL Plan ahead for the annual NPU Tionól to be held again in Listowel Arms, Listowel Co. Kerry on 24th to 26th May. Following last year’s great success, it should be another great weekend of music, piping lore and information exchange. This year the Tionól will form part of NPU’s participation in THE GATHERING, Ireland’s year- long effort to attract visitors to the country Dave Hegarty Chairman 3
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