
Píobaire, An, Volume 7, Issue 1, Page 25

Píobaire, An, Volume 7, Issue 1, Page 25


periodical Publisher
Na Píobairí Uilleann
periodical Editor
Chairman, NPU
periodical Title
An Píobaire
volume Number
issue Content
Píobaire, An 7 1 25 20110224 25 lows volunteered to act as candlesticks, and with large pieces of blazing bog-dale in their hands, they stood directing the light upon the steps of the dancers. It was an effect worthy of the pencil of a Rembrandt! Paddy having concluded his moneen, by a bow to the piper, sat down, leaving the lady to look for another partner, which she was not long in finding; for spying Tim Murnane in a corner, she unhesitatingly walked up to him, dropped her courtesy, and then resumed her place on the door. Upon the challenge, Tim, as in duty bound, stood up, scratched his head, looked askance at the lady, called for the fox-hunter’s jig, and away they went. When this was concluded, the lady sat down, and left Tim to make his bow to whom he pleased; and in this manner did one alter- nately give place to another, till all had their heart’s content of dancing. Of the moneen it is almost impossible, by the pen or pencil, to convey an idea; to be under- stood, it must be seen. I will however, to the best of my ability, recount the figures. Down the middle – up again – set to your part- ner – change sides – set again – change sides again – set again – dance up to your partner – recede – dance up again – recede again – turn half round with one hand, back again with the other – set again – turn around with both hands, and bow to the piper. There are however a variety of figures; and as for steps, they are numberless, and, to use the vulgar adage, change “as fast as hops;” but words are quite unequal to picture the activity and dexterity required in the performance, the grotesque flinging about of the legs, the snap- ping of fingers, the whooping and hallooing, the grinding and stamping, the thumping and bumping, and yet all in perfect time, with the quickest and most complicated movements; so that the spectator is divided between laughter and admiration at what is really at once an ab- surd and an extraordinary exhibition.
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