Frank Jordan (Flute) and Paddy Ryan (Fiddle) - Cobblestone - 06-03-2012
Frank Jordan (Flute) and Paddy Ryan (Fiddle) - Cobblestone - 06-03-2012 - Jackie Coleman's, The Sailor on the Rock, Tear the Calico (Reels)
Frank Jordan (Flute) and Paddy Ryan (Fiddle) - Cobblestone - 06-03-2012
Frank Jordan (Flute) and Paddy Ryan (Fiddle) - Cobblestone - 06-03-2012
Frank Jordan (Flute) and Paddy Ryan (Fiddle) - Cobblestone - 06-03-2012 - Lucky in Love, The Cameronian, The Sunny Banks, Farewell to Ireland (Reels)
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