Recent Uploads in "Pipemaking"
Geoff Wooff - Cutting the key slots into the chanter - Part 1
Geoff Wooff - Cutting the regulator slots into the chanter
Geoff Wooff - Refining the blocks and filing out the scallops
Geoff Wooff - Removing the turning lines between the blocks
Geoff Wooff - Chanter F key Ring - cutting and rough shaping
Geoff Wooff - Chanter F key Ring - marking out the shape
Geoff Wooff - Chanter F key ring - Filing into shape
Geoff Wooff - Chanter F key ring - Shaping the key ring to the chanter
Geoff Wooff - Cutting the recess for the key in the chanter
Geoff Wooff - Drilling the pivot hole for the F key in the chanter
Geoff Wooff - Drilling the pivot hole in the F key
Geoff Wooff - Filing for the spring and profiling the F key - Part 1