Scully Casey's, Apples in Winter, The Scotsman Over the Border (Jigs)
Amhráin na Trá Báine (Air )
The Old Grey Goose, The Gander in the Pratie Hole (Jigs)
Un-named, The Leg of Duck, The Miners of Wicklow (Jigs)
The Showman's Fancy, The Honeymoon, The Swallow's Tail (Hornpipe and Reels)
Un-named, Un-named (Barndances)
The Braes of Busby, The Dublin Lads (Reels)
Johnny Mickey Barry's (Slides)
An Rógaire Dubh / Na Ceannabháin Bána / Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh (Jigs)
The Tual Már Polkas (Polkas)
Un-named, Jackson's Morning Brush (Jigs)