Piping Recitals
An Buachaillín Buí, The Cauliflower (Jigs)
Lá Fhéile Pádraic (Air)
Ceo ar an gCnoc, Anything for John Joe, Johnny when you die (Reels)
The Whistler at the Wake, Nell Flaherty's Drake (Jigs)
Speed the Plough, Kiss the Maid Behind the Barrel (Reels)
Uirchill an Chreagáin, The Keel Row (Air, Reel)
Did you wash your father's shirt?, Paddy Cronin's (Reel)
The Cunning Young Man, The Heights of Alma (Piece, March)
Paddy Cronin's, The Bells of Liscarroll (Jigs)
An Buailteoir Aerach, Unknown (Reels)
Will you come down to Limerick?, The Tenpenny Piece (Slip Jigs)
Trip to Durrow, The Musical Priest., The Flax in Bloom (Reels)