Recent Galleries in "Audio"
Willie Clancy at the Gresham Hotel, September 1965 received from Richie Piggott
Thomas Garoghan Berliner Recordings
Leo Rowsome unissued 78 recording
Recordings of Matt Kiernan made in early 1970s by Eoghan Ballard
Paul Brady Composition "The Lament for Thomas Ashe" played by Séamus Ennis
Music for The Sets - Volume 1
Liberty Hall, Dublin, 30 September 2017
Ace and Deuce of Piping - Liberty Hall - 07-10-2012
Audio recording of the 2009 Ace and Deuce of Piping Concert from Liberty Hall,Dublin
A selection of recordings from Jim Brophy
A selection of recordings from Andy Conroy
NPU CD 013 Stór Píobaireachta / Piping from the Archives, Vol 1