Recent Uploads in "Picture Archive" Items 49 to 60 of 2583 total Show 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 per page View as: Paddy Conneely Drawing Pádraig Ó Conghaile Engraving Paddy Conneely Illustration - Periodical Paddy Conneely Fridge magnet Paddy Conneely / Santa Claus Cartoon Paddy Conneely / Jimmy O'Brien Moran Cartoon Mr. Hutchinson's Piper Engraving Blind piper Painting Gandsey, The Killarney Minstrel Engraving The blind piper at Killarney, 1851 Drawing Irish piper Illustration James Purcell Drawing 2583 item in 216 pages < 2 3 4 5 6 7 >