PJ Hayes, Gan Ainm (Barndances)
Paidín Ó Raifeartaigh, Paidín Ó Raifeartaigh, April's Fool (Jigs)
The Boys of Bluehill, An Staicín Eorna (Hornpipes)
Gerdy Commane's, Pigeon on the Gate (Reels)
Tom Busby's, An Siocán Sneachta (Jig)
Brendan Tonra's, Scatter the Mud (Jigs)
The Ballinafad, The Mountain Stream (Polkas)
Barrack Hill, Un-named, Puttle Pottle (Slides)
Over the Bridge to Bessy, The Floating Crowbar (Reels)
Un-named, The Peacemaker (Jigs)
Mick Culloty's, The Knocknagoshel, The New Roundabout (Polkas)
Un-named / An Staicín Eorna (Hornpipes)