Gallery Matches Items 49 to 60 of 136 total Show 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 per page View as: Róisín White (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 6-10-2015 - Session with The Pipers Radie Peat (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 3-11-2015 - Session with The Pipers Aodán Ó Ceallaigh (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 5-1-2016 - Session with The Pipers Anne Skelton (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 2-2-2016 - Session with The Pipers Máire Ní Cheileachair (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 1-3-2016 - Session with The Pipers Íde Nic Mhathúna (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 4-5-2016 - Session with The Pipers Brian Mullen (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 3-5-2016 - Session with The Pipers Liam Weldon, Darach Ó Catháin & Treasa Ní Mhioláin (Vocal) An Cultúrlann, Monkstown - 11-10-1977 Diane Cannon (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 5-7-2016 - Session with The Pipers Eugene McEldowney (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 2-8-2016 - Session with The Pipers Nell Ní Chróinín (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 6-9-2016 - Session with The Pipers Len Graham (Vocal) Cobblestone, Smithfield - 4-10-2016 - Session with The Pipers 136 item in 12 pages < 2 3 4 5 6 7 >