Featured Galleries in "IMCO"
Collection of Old Established Irish Slow & Quick Tunes (Dublin, 1805)
The Gentleman's Musical Repository (New York, 1813)
The Amateur's Companion (Dublin, 1810-15)
One Hundred Airs (Principally Irish) (London, 1815)
A Collection of Favorite Irish Airs (London, 1818)
A Collection of Ancient Irish Airs (Belfast, 1810)
Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, 2nd Ed. (Dublin, 1818)
How to play the Irish Uillean Pipes (Cork, 1936)
Leo Rowsome's Tutor for the Uileann Pipes (Dublin, 1936)
Legends of the Lakes (London, 1829)
A Selection of Irish and Scots Tunes